Aldino’s Charity Foundation

About Our


Aldino’s Charity Foundation is established to carry out the mission of a great Italian missionary, Rev. Fr. Aldino Amato (1932-2021), who left his well-developed country to embrace the suffering mankind of Pakistan and dedicated the rest 60 years of his life for Pakistan (1962-2021), and enlightened the people without any discrimination of colour, cast and race. He built nonprofitable hospitals, schools, colleges and hostels for special persons. Therefore, Aldino’s Charity Foundation borrowed its name from Fr. Aldino Amato who is its inspiration.

Legal Status:
1. This is registered under the Societies Registration Act, XXI of 1860
2. Registered under section 181c of the Income Tax Ordinance 2001
3. Registered under Punjab Charities Act, 2018
4. Registered with Economic Affairs Division Islamabad.
We’re here to support poor people

Building a healthier and educated community



Aldino’s charity foundation aspires in running an inclusive educational institution namely kindergarten school of lahore. The schools heed to render quality education for all those who cannot afford it. The focal point of our school is the development of children as the most of the parents are uneducated. Our goal is to make sure that as many children as possible in our country have access to a high quality education…….
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